Providing Liquidity on Casperswap

Below, we will show you how to provide liquidity into Casperswap pools so that you can start earning trading fees and token rewards!

In the top tab, you will see a “Pool” button. Start by clicking on that and you will see the page below.

Find the pool you wish to provide liquidity to and select the Liquidity” button in the top tab. We are going to proceed with the WCSPR-WETH pool.

Determine the amount of each token that you wish to supply into the pool. Below, we selected 150 CSPR and 1.06 WETH to add into the WCSPR-WETH pool. We can see that WCSPR is the base token meaning that 1 CSPR = about .00708 WETH. Casperswap willa utomatically route your CSPR tokens for WCSPR.

You select the “Approve” buttons for both tokens if it is the first time you are providing liquidity with the given tokens. Approving a token requires you to confirm the choice in the Casper Wallet pop-up.

Once approved, select the “Add Liquidity” button.

At the bottom of the page, you can check to make sure you are actively providing liquidity. See the amount of each token pooled and your share of the liquidity pool. This percentage will help you calculate your share of fees and token rewards.

Congratulations, you are now a liquidity provider on Casperswap!

Last updated