Deploying WCSPR contract manually

If you need to deploy the WCSPR contract manually you will need to pass some parameters. Here is the command template to deploy the WCSPR contract.

sudo casper-client put-deploy \
    --chain-name chain_name \
    --node-address http://$NODE_ADDRESS:7777/ \
    --secret-key path_to_secret_key.pem \
    --session-path path_to_wasm_file \
    --payment-amount 10000000000 \
    --session-arg="public_key:public_key='Public Key In Hex'" \
    --session-arg="name:string='token-name'" \
    --session-arg="symbol:string='token-symbol'" \
    --session-arg="decimals:u8='unsigned integer value'" \

Entry point methods

Here are the WCSPR's entry point methods.


Let self.get_caller() send pool tokens to a recipient hash.

Hare is the table of parameters.

This method returns nothing.


Sends pool token's from one hash to another. User needs to call approve method before calling the tranfer_from.

Here is the table of parameters.

This method returns nothing. Recommendation:

Awareness of possible exploits should be taken into account. Usage of functions that increase/decrease the allowance relative to its current value is highly encouraged. We recommend that developers of applications dependant on approve() / transferFrom() should keep in mind that they set allowance to 0 first and verify if it was used before setting the new value. Note: Teams who decide to wait for such a standard should make these recommendations to app developers who work with their token contract.


Let self.get_caller() set their allowance for a spender. the user needs to call this approve method before calling the transfer_from method.

Here is the table of parameters.

This method returns nothing. Recommendation:

Awareness of possible exploits should be taken into account. Usage of functions that increase/decrease the allowance relative to its current value is highly encouraged. We recommend that developers of applications dependant on approve() / transferFrom() should keep in mind that they set allowance to 0 first and verify if it was used before setting the new value. Note: Teams who decide to wait for such a standard should make these recommendations to app developers who work with their token contract.


This method will return the balance of the owner in WCSPR Contract .

Here is the table of parameters.

This method returns an U256.


Returns the amount of liquidity tokens owned by a hash that a spender is allowed to transfer via transfer_from.

Here is the table of parameters.

This method returns an U256.


Returns the total amount of pool tokens for a pair.

This method returns an U256.


This method deposits the number of tokens against the hash, both provided by the user.

Here is the table of parameters.

This method returns nothing.


This method withdraws the number of tokens against the hash, both provided by the user.

Here is the table of parameters.

This method returns nothing. Note: To withdraw the tokens against the hash provided by the user, User needs to deposit tokens first in WCSPR.


Returns the name of tokens for a pair.

Here is the table of parameters.

This method returns String.


Returns the symbol of tokens for a pair.

Here is the table of parameters.

This method returns String.

Last updated